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To be considered for Praxium, students must meet at least one of the following:
To register your student for Praxium for the 2025-26 school year, please follow these steps:
Complete the Open Enrollment Form by February 1, 2025. You can find this form on District 93’s website or by scanning the QR code.
Submit the application, which will be sent to your student’s teacher for completion. You’ll receive an email once the teacher submits it to Praxium. Placement will be based on the application if spots are limited.
Watch for an Official Acceptance Email. After the February 1, 2025 open enrollment deadline, you will receive an email by February 28th confirming whether your student has been officially accepted to Praxium.
While you are always welcome to pick up and drop off your child at the Praxium, busing will be provided for all in-district students. If students are riding a bus, they will be bused to their “home school” first, then move to a transport bus that will bring them Praxium. This will typically mean students will arrive at our program building by 9:00 am and will be back at their “home school” before boarding buses home.
Students choosing to attend PRAXIUM will have the same opportunities as all other students. Elective courses will be taught utilizing Rocky Mountain Middle School teachers and Bonneville Online High School courses. Each trimester students will have two electives in their schedule. Please see the course catalog for elective options.
It won’t! Students will continue to have the opportunity to participate in the extracurricular activities of their “home school” including athletics. They may try out for and participate in after-school activities and programs at their boundary school.
PRAXIUM currently does not extend past 8th grade. Currently, we do not have another option in the district, but we have found the skills they learn while at PRAXIUM prepare the student for success in high school. While at Praxium, the student creates a six-year plan utilizing jump-start high school, Advanced Opportunities, and possible online courses. This plan may be used as they continue through their high school career.
Students are still given a grade-level curriculum and are working on mastery of grade-specific standards. Students are still assigned to 7th or 8th grade based on the standards they are working on. Grades are still given but may be slightly different than you have seen in the past. Grades are reflections of a student’s mastery of content rather than the completion of tasks or assignments. Grades are not about accumulating points to earn a grade.
Mastery education is not based on time or traditional constraints. At Praxium we have created a plan of how we can help advance learners in their journey. Please contact the counselor to set up an appointment for how we can create an individualized plan for their acceleration. This works very well for students wanting to maximize Advanced Opportunities within the district, gaining as many college credits as they can.
Class sizes are dependent upon the number of students needing assistance on that particular standard, skill, or concept. Sometimes, a classroom may look more like a traditional classroom with 25+ students, especially when a new concept is introduced. Other times, there may be a smaller “workshop” held to provide intervention for a small group of students. Many times, it is simply one-on-one assistance by the teacher based on the specific needs of the individual student.
No. Students at PRAXIUM are only 7th and 8th graders.
PRAXIUM uses a team of teachers to meet the needs of all students. Because of this, students have access to all of the content teachers available in the program. With that said, content teachers are assigned to specific a grade-level curriculum, and your child will have that teacher for that specific content area.
In addition to this, your child will have a mentor teacher that will stay the same regardless of movement through courses. This mentor teacher is a wonderful resource to your child and you as a parent. PRAXIUM’s mentoring element truly sets it apart from a traditional classroom. Students will work with this mentor to set goals, have mentor check-ins, and collaborate on skills, with the mentor serving as the child’s advocate both inside and outside of the classroom.
Students will keep their backpacks with them as they move throughout the day. There will be hooks in each room to place their backpacks. If the student would still like a locker, they may sign up for one at registration. Please keep in mind that the lockers in the Praxium building are a smaller size. We also have lockers available in the BOHS building.
The students will participate in lunch at Rocky Mountain Middle School. Praxium has its own lunch hour with only Praxium students. The menu will be the same provided by the district.
We are in the process of building our school library. We have been able to acquire a good selection of books, but we are always looking for ways to continue to expand our collection.
Praxium students will be given a school identification card. They may pay the activity card fee for their boundary middle school to attend extra-curricular activities if wanted.
If you feel your child is not making progress and is struggling, we will meet as a team with you as the parent, the student, and the teachers to determine what is working and what is not. If it still cannot be resolved, students may always opt to return to their “home school.”
Yes, a Chromebook will be checked out to each student during the first week of school. They will be able to use them at school and at home. They may personalize their Chromebook stickers and their name. Outside computers and Chromebooks will not be able to be used during the school day because they are difficult to monitor.
Please refer to the Course Catalog for instructions and the available electives. Students will be able to take RMMS or BOHS electives. Students attend their electives every day and will have two electives per trimester.
We learn not just for school, but for life. We have a strong focus on the 4 C’s and cognitive skills. Becoming adept in these skills will transfer to high school and beyond.
We will also help your student create a 5 or 6 year plan in the fall that will help guide your student with class choices.
A weekly newsletter will be sent with updates about upcoming projects and deadlines. Each student is paired with a mentor that sets goals with the students and emails frequently. For up-to-date information on student progress, it is important to have your student show their grades in the Schoology classroom. Progress reports are sent each trimester.